LCD and Policy Article Revisions Summary for June 25, 2009 - Outlined below are the principal changes to several DME MAC Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Policy Articles (PAs) that have been revised and posted. Read more...
Medicare 101 and Medicare 102 Webinars - If you are new to Medicare billing for durable medical equipment or you need a refresher course, these webinars are a great tool for you! If you are looking for a better all around understanding of the topics listed below, be sure to register. These webinars are intended for beginning level billing professionals. Read more...
Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) and Respiratory Assist Devices (RAD) Revised - September 2009 - The Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) devices and Respiratory Assist Devices (RAD) local coverage determination (LCD) have been revised, effective for dates of service on or after September 1, 2009. The revised information is in the Documentation Section and outlines the use of additional modifiers to indicate that an item is not medically necessary and whether or not a waiver of liability statement (i.e., Advance Beneficiary Notice or ABN) is on file. Read more...
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