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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

DME MAC Jurisdiction C News

 DME MAC Jurisdiction C News2010 Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is conducting the fifth administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). The survey is designed to collect quantifiable data on provider satisfaction with the performance of your Medicare contractor. The MCPSS will be sent to a random sample of approximately 30,000 Medicare fee-for-service providers and suppliers. CMS is listening and wants to hear from you about the services provided by your Medicare contractor. Read more...
Mini-Poster To Help Educate Medicare Beneficiaries About Flu Vaccines - CMS would appreciate your help communicating with the public, especially seniors and vulnerable populations, that Medicare and Medicaid cover both the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines. Seniors are encouraged to get their seasonal flu vaccine as soon as possible. The vaccine that protects against the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus (sometimes called swine flu) is a separate vaccine and is available now. Read more...
Usual Maximum Amount of Supplies - Many of the DME MAC local coverage determinations (LCDs) have supplies or accessories with usual maximum quantities and frequency limits. Suppliers are not required to provide these amounts nor are beneficiaries required to accept supplies or accessories at this frequency or in quantities that exceed the amount they typically use. Read more...
Vacuum Erection Devices (L7900) - Documentation Requirements - Coverage for L7900 is provided under the Prosthetic benefit which stipulates that the device must be used to replace all or part of an internal body organ. In addition to the statutory requirements, the general documentation requirements as described in Chapter 3 of the DME MAC Jurisdiction C Supplier Manual apply. Read more...
REMINDER: Reopening Requests for Modifiers KX, GA, GZ and GY - Please be reminded that beginning December 1, 2009, reopening requests to add, change, or remove modifiers KX, GA, GZ, and GY are no longer accepted. Any request that you have to add, change, or remove these specific modifiers must be appealed through a redetermination request with proper documentation. Read more...
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