Attention: Oxygen Suppliers This is a reminder for suppliers receiving a CO - 176 denial (Prescription is not current) or CO - 173 (Service was not prescribed by a physician) that these claims should be resubmitted with the correct information instead of requesting an appeal. The appeal process is timely and costly to both you as a supplier and to National Government Services as a contractor. If the recertification Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) or original CMN was omitted from the original claim submission, suppliers are encouraged to simply resubmit the claim with the CMN or recertification CMN to expedite processing of the claim. Suppliers are also encouraged to obtain CMN status information by contacting the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system at 1-877-299-7900. For those individuals using the Express Plus software, instructions on how to enter initial and/or recertification CMNs can be found in the Express Plus manual on the CEDI Web site: http://www.ngscedi.com/downloads/CEDIExpressPlusManual.pdf As a reminder to suppliers, the documentation requirements for Oxygen CMNs can be found in the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) and Policy Article located on the National Government Services Web site at: www.NGSMedicare.com, click on Coverage, then click on Local Coverage Determination. |
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