Durable Medical Equipment Courses Available Through the Medicare University 2009 Virtual ConventionNational Government Services will hold the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention November 16 through November 20. Topics for each course were chosen by soliciting suggestions from our provider/supplier communities, analyzing data from our processing systems, and reviewing top calls and inquiries received through our Provider Contact Centers.Here are some of the courses available for Jurisdiction B Durable Medicare Equipment Medicare Administrative Contract suppliers:Changes in Billing, Coverage, and Payment for Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment (200)Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor Question and Answer Teleconference (200)National Supplier Clearinghouse Question and Answer Teleconference (200)Positive Airway Pressure DeviceLocal Coverage Determination (300)Additional courses are listed under Durable Medical Equipment. General courses for all contracts also will be applicable to your business. For a complete list of the courses offered at the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention, please visit www.NGSMedicareConvention.com.Earn Up to 21 Medicare University CreditsMedicare University Credits (MUC) will be available to all attendees of the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention. The total number of MUCs being offered for the virtual convention is 21. | |
This program/publication/ subscription/etc. has prior approval of the American Academy of Professional Coders for continuing education units. Granting of this approval in no way constitutes endorsement by the Academy of the program, content or the program sponsor. |
November 16-2060 sessions$150 per attendee No travel costsEarn up to 21 MUCs |
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