Sent on behalf of the CEDI: Correction to the Top 10 CEDI Edits for December 2009: National Government Services Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) has identified the top ten edits that were received on the CEDI GenResponse Report (GENRPT) during the month of December. The list of edits, description, and tips to resolve the errors are provided here.
Break in Service Guidelines for Patients in a Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Hospice, or Medicare Advantage Plan: If there is an interruption in the billing of a capped rental DME item to the DME MAC because the beneficiary is in a hospital and/or nursing facility, a new capped rental period does not automatically begin when billing to the DME MAC resumes. Unless the supplier submits appropriate documentation to show that there was also a break in medical need of greater than 60-plus days, medical necessity is presumed to have continued during the this time and the count of continuous rental months would pick up where the previous rental payments suspended."> Read more...
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