Providers Randomly Selected to Participate in the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) Urged to Respond
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a Special Edition MLN Matters article that reminds providers and suppliers that CMS has launched the fifth annual national administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). Providers and suppliers that have received a letter indicating that they were randomly selected to participate in the 2010 MCPSS are urged to take a few minutes to go online and complete this important survey via a secure Internet website. The article, SE1005 Providers Randomly Selected to Participate in the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) Urged to Respond, is available at the CMS website.
It's Not Too Late to Get the Seasonal Flu Shot. While seasonal influenza outbreaks can happen as early as October, influenza activity usually peaks in January.[1] The seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to prevent infection and the complications associated with the flu. Re-vaccination is necessary each flu season because flu viruses change each year.
CMS is asking our health care provider community to please encourage your Medicare patients who haven't already done so to get their annual flu shot. It is also important to be sure that you immunize yourself and your staff.
Remember - Influenza vaccine plus its administration are covered Part B benefits. Note that influenza vaccine is NOT a Part D covered drug.
For information about Medicare's coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration, as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to on the CMS website. You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to on the CMS website.
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If you received this message as part of the All FFS Providers listserv, you are currently subscribed to one of eighteen Medicare Fee-For-Service provider listservs. If you would like to be removed from all NIH listservs, please go to ( to unsubscribe. If you would like to unsubscribe from a specific provider listserv, please go to ( to unsubscribe or to leave the appropriate listserv. Please DO NOT respond to this email. This email is a service of CMS and routed through an electronic mail server to communicate Medicare policy and operational changes and/or updates. Responses to this email are not routed to CMS personnel. Inquiries may be sent by going to ( Thank you.
[1] Seasonal Influenza, 2009-2010. Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009 [cited 23 December 2009]. Available from the World Wide Web: