CO-176 Denials for Oxygen Equipment after the 36-Month Cap
Medicare Billing Requirements and Policies for Replacement of Oxygen Equipment and Oxygen Contents: This message is for suppliers and home health agencies that furnish oxygen and oxygen equipment to Medicare beneficiaries. Suppliers of oxygen and oxygen equipment need to be aware of the procedures for submitting claims for oxygen and oxygen equipment following the enactment of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) on July 15, 2008. Read more...
Issued on behalf of CEDI: Attention All CEDI Trading Partners, Suppliers, Billing Services, Clearinghouses, and Vendors: The CEDI has identified that as of the January 9, 2008 some of the CEDI GenResponse Report (GENRPT), front-end edits are not firing correctly. This has caused claims to inappropriately reject. CEDI will implement fixes... Read more...
Issued on behalf of CEDI: CEDI Ask the Contractor Teleconference: The CEDI Help Desk will conduct an Ask the Contractor Teleconference on February 12, 2009 to discuss the new CEDI front end edits and the upcoming CCN assignment changes. Read more...">CIGNA Government Services publishes video instruction on home Blood Glucose Monitors.
Medicare Survival Guide workshop: The DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education team will conduct a Medicare Survival Guide workshop in Savannah, GA on February 5, 2009 and San Antonio, Texas on February 19, 2009. These all day events provide valuable information on a wide array of Medicare topics to help attendees survive the Medicare world.
Topics covered include:
- Medicare Updates
- Documentation/Intake Process
- CERT Reduction Plans: What You Need to Know to Decrease Errors
- Top Denials and Inquiries
The DME Provider Outreach and Education team will present three Respriatory Assist Devices Webinars: Is your billing staff aware of the differences in billing for Respiratory Assist Devices for patients with diagnoses other than OSA? You will want to mark your calendars and join us for the upcoming Respiratory Assist Devices Webinars/Teleconferences on February 11th, 17th, and 23rd!
During this webinar we will cover topics that will help you avoid costly billing errors. The topics covered during this webinar will include:
- Intitial and Continued Criteria for RAD devices
- Documentation Requirements
- Accessories
- Coding
- Comprehensive Error Rate Testing
- Jurisdiction C Resources
Hospital Beds and Support Surfaces Webinar: Do you supply Hospital Beds or Support Surfaces for Medicare Beneficiaries? Are you interested in learning the coverage criteria and documentation requirements required for Hospital Beds and Support Surfaces, well this is the Webinar for you!"> Read more...
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