Ask the Contractor Teleconference - Reminder: CIGNA Government Services is hosting a DME MAC Jurisdiction C Ask the Contractor Teleconference (ACT) on Wednesday, February 04, 2009. Registration is free, and the Ask the Contractor Teleconference is a great forum to learn about the latest changes important to Jurisdiction C suppliers. Get call-in information here.
Prosthetic & Orthotics Webinars - Do you want to make sure your billing staff has current information on coverage guidelines for prosthetic and orthotic items? These informative webinars hosted by the Jurisdiction C DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education will cover topics such as:
- Coverage guidlines
- Pre-fabricated versus custom fabricated items
- Documentation Requirements
- Repairs and Replacement
- Comprehensive Error Rate Testing
- Jurisdiction C Resources
Participation is limited, so register now!
Medicare 101 and Medicare 102 Webinars - If you are new to Medicare billing for durable medical equipment or you need a refresher course, these webinars are a great tool for you! These webinars are intended for beginning level billing professionals. Participation is limited, so register now to reserve your spot!
February Flu Shot Reminder: It s Not Too Late to Give and Get the Flu Shot! - n the US, the peak of flu season typically occurs anywhere from late December through March; however, flu season can last as late as May. Protect yourself, your patients, and your family and friends by getting and giving the flu shot. Read more...
Important Information for Providers Serving Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Private Fee-for-Service Plans
REVISED: Skilled Nursing Facility Consolidated Billing As It Relates to Ambulance Services
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