Reminder Concerning Blood Glucose Monitor Supply Refills: Recent claim reviews involving blood glucose monitor supplies reveal that one cause of over utilization is beneficiaries receiving the same supplies from multiple suppliers for overlapping dates of service. While it is a beneficiary's responsibility to notify a supplier when they change companies, failure to do so does not absolve the supplier from the responsibility of periodically checking with the beneficiary to make sure only one company is providing refill supplies."> Read more...
Canes and Walkers Webinar: Do you provider Canes or Walkers to Medicare Beneficiaries? Do you want to make sure you are properly billing for Canes and Walkers? The Jurisdiction C DME MAC POE team will host Canes and Walkers Webinars on March 5, 6, and 13. Topics will include:
- Published Coverage Guidelines and how to use them
- Coding Requirements for Canes and Walkers
- Documentation Requirements to prevent payment delays
- Jurisdiction C Resources to assist with billing all Medicare claims"> Read more...
Oxygen Webinar: Are you a supplier who supplies Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment to Medicare Beneficiaries? Would you like clarification of the coverage guidelines and an explanation of the recent payment changes for Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment? The Jurisdiction C DME MAC POE team will host Canes and Walkers Webinars on March 2, 3, and 12."> Read more...
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