Make Your Voice Heard by Participating in theMedicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) began distributing its annual Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) to a new sample of Medicare providers. The survey is designed to garner quantifiable data on provider satisfaction levels with key services provided by the Medicare fee-for-service contractors (FFS) who process and pay more than Medicare claims each year. Providers selected to participate in the survey are being contacted by the survey contractor, Westat. The survey is designed so that it can be completed in about 15 minutes and providers can submit their responses via a secure Web site, mail, fax, or over the telephone. CMS is encouraging that if your organization was one of the selected sampled providers, please take the time to complete the survey or respond to Westat's follow-up calls if you have not already done so. Your input is extremely important and the results of the study will help us improve the services we provide you and be used by CMS as an additional measure to evaluate performance of Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and support process improvement efforts. The views of every provider asked to participate are important to the success of this survey, as each one represents many other organizations that are similar in size, practice type and geographical location. Westat will contact non-respondents by telephone in the coming weeks to encourage their participation. Data Collection ends in April. MCPSS results will be available to contractors and the public in July 2009. Additional information about the MCPSS is available at: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MCPSS/. |
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