CMS' Dedicated Website for Information & Education on Versions 5010, D.0 and 3.0 Now Available!
5010: Taking EDI to the Next Level
CMS has launched its website for agency-wide information and education on Versions 5010, D.0 and 3.0. As you may already know, Version 5010 is the new version of the X12 standards for HIPAA transactions; version D.0 is the new version of the National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) standards for pharmacy and supplier transactions; and version 3.0 is a new NCPDP standard for Medicaid pharmacy subrogation.
On this website, you can view background information on the new standards, regulatory information, the latest outreach messages from CMS, educational resources, resources specific to D.0 and 3.0, as well as implementation information for the Medicare Fee-For-Service systems. CMS plans to add additional information as it becomes available so bookmark the site today!
You can also view the presentation, transcript and listen to the audiofile from the June 9th national provider conference call on Versions 5010 and D.0 on the Educational Resources page or at on the CMS website.
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