NHIC, Corp.DME MAC A ListServe | For Immediate Release |
July 27, 2009 Delay of Implementation of New Provider Contact Center TechnologyTo better serve our customers, NHIC, Corp. DME MAC Jurisdiction A is implementing a new technology within the Provider Contact Center. This new technology will help reduce the time a caller spends on the phone by gathering the provider authentication elements at the beginning of the call via an automated phone system and transferring the information to the Customer Service Representative (CSR). This will allow the CSR to already have the information available when they receive the call, thus allowing them to address the caller's question more quickly. Implementation of this new technology is now scheduled for August 10, 2009.The phone number for the Provider Contact Center is 866-590-6731. To utilize the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) unit, please call 866-419-9458. As a reminder, if you call the Provider Contact Center with an issue that should be addressed via the IVR, you will be referred back to the IVR line. Customer Service Representatives cannot address information that is provided via the IVR. |
NHIC | 75 Sgt William Terry Drive | Hingham | MA | 02043