NHIC, Corp.DME MAC A ListServe | For Immediate Release |
March 04, 2009 Enhancements/Updates to NPPES effective March 7, 2009 (CMS Message 2009-03-02)On March 7, 2009, the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) will undergo system maintenance. As such, neither NPPES nor the National Provider Identifier (NPI) Registry will be available on March 7, 2009.The following enhancements will be incorporated into NPPES:The NPPES application help page text will be revised to ensure consistency with the instructions found on the revised National Provider Identifier (NPI) Application/Update Form (CMS-10114 (11/08)). NPPES web users will be required to change their passwords after the Enumerator has reset them. When the Enumerator resets a user's password, the user will be redirected to the password reset page in order to change the reset password to a password of his/her choice. NPPES will also enforce a minimum password length of 8 characters.The following enhancements will be incorporated into the NPI Registry:The 'doing business as' (DBA) search feature will be restored. The NPI Registry will be updated daily. The NPI Registry will display all results in all capital letters.. This change will not affect the way information is displayed in a health care provider's NPPES record.Electronic File Interchange (EFI) In addition, the EFI User Manual and Technical Companion Guide have been revised. The upcoming changes will not impact the EFI XML Schema.Additional Information Health care providers can apply for an NPI online at https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov . Health care providers needing assistance with applying for an NPI or updating their data in NPPES records may contact the NPI Enumerator at 1-800-465-3203 or email the request to the NPI Enumerator at CustomerService@NPIEnumerator.com. |
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