New Common Working File (CWF) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Type for Workers' Compensation Medicare Set-aside Arrangements (WCMSAs), to Stop Conditional Payments
Billing HCPCS Code A4259 with the KL Modifier: Based on Change Request (CR) 6270, the KL modifier was added to the fee schedule for the following diabetic supply HCPCS codes: A4233, A4234, A4235, A4236, A4253, A4256, A4258, and A4259. Effective January 1, 2009, the KL modifier has been changed from an informational modifier to a pricing modifier in the HCPCS file.. Read the full article for more information.
Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day: In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the National Government Services office will be closed on Monday, January 19, 2009. Read the full article for more information.
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