NHIC, Corp.DME MAC A ListServe | For Immediate Release |
January 09, 2009 Weekly What's New The following publications have been posted to the DME MAC A What's New page:The 2009 Jurisdiction A DME MAC Fee Schedule is now available Signature and Date Stamps for DME Supplies-Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMNs) and DME MAC Information Forms (DIFs) (MM6261) Claim Status Category Code and Claim Status Code Update (MM6328) Providers Urged to Participate in Annual Medicare Contractor Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) (SE0843) January Flu Shot Reminder from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (CMS Message 2009-01-05) Review of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Devices (CMS Message 2009-01-07) January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month (CMS Message 2009-01-07) CMS Strengthens Efforts to Fight Medicare Waste, Fraud and Abuse - Medicare Issues Final Rule Requiring Surety Bonds for DMEPOS Suppliers and Takes Next Step in Fighting Home Health Fraud (CMS Message 2008-12-30) For more information visit: http://www.medicarenhic.com/dme/dme_whats_new.shtml Review of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Devices (CMS Message 2009-01-07)The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has partnered with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to commission a review of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) devices. The purpose of this review is to provide information to CMS for consideration in Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) coding decisions. Section 154(c) (3) of the Medicare Improvements for Patient and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) calls for the Secretary of Health and Human Services to perform an evaluation of the HCPCS codes for NPWT devices.The HCPCS Level II coding system is a comprehensive, standardized system that classifies similar products that are medical in nature into categories for the purpose of efficient claims processing. Products are classified based on similarities in function and whether the products exhibit significant therapeutic distinctions from other products. This review will facilitate CMS' evaluation of HCPCS coding for NPWT by providing CMS with relevant studies and information for use in consideration of coding changes, as required by the MIPPA legislation. CMS will use this review in its assessment of whether existing HCPCS codes adequately represent the technology and comparative benefits of NPWT devices.This review is one of several that are being conducted for the AHRQ Technology Assessment Program. It will include a review of all available literature on the topic and a solicitation from all interested stakeholders including health care professionals, scientific researchers, wound care organizations, biotech industry, and the patient wound care community for studies and other compelling clinical evidence regarding clinical outcomes associated with NPWT devices. We are particularly interested in those well-conducted clinical trials that describe the comparative benefits of these devices.The solicitation for studies and evidence was made available to industry stakeholders on December 30, 2008, and requested stakeholders provide this information to AHRQ by February 06, 2009. Stakeholders who would like to provide information about studies or other compelling evidence related to comparative benefits and outcomes of NPWT devices should refer to http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/ta/npwtrequest.htmFor the full HCPCS web page see http://www.cms.hhs.gov/medhcpcsgeninfo/ on the CMS website. January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month (CMS Message 2009-01-07)January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month ~ In recognition of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds health care professionals that Medicare provides coverage of a comprehensive annual glaucoma screening exam for seniors and others with Medicare at high risk for developing glaucoma.Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States and while anyone can develop glaucoma, the risk of glaucoma increases with age. Early detection and treatment of glaucoma, before it causes major vision loss, is the best way to control the disease.Medicare Coverage Medicare beneficiaries in one of the following high risk groups are eligible for an annual glaucoma screening covered by Medicare:Individuals with diabetes mellitus;Individuals with a family history of glaucoma;African-Americans age 50 and older; andHispanic-Americans age 65 and older.A covered glaucoma screening includes:A dilated eye examination with an intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement; andA direct ophthalmoscopy examination or a slit-lamp biomicroscopic examination.What Can You Do? As a health care professional who provides care to seniors and others with Medicare, you can help protect the vision of your Medicare patients who may be at high risk for glaucoma by educating them about their risk factors and reminding them of the importance of getting an annual glaucoma screening exam covered by Medicare. Your reminder and referral for a glaucoma screening exam can help provide eligible Medicare beneficiaries with peace of mind and safeguard their vision.For More Information CMS has developed a variety of educational products and resources to help health care professionals and their staff learn more about coverage, coding, billing, and reimbursement for preventive services and screenings covered by Medicare.The MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page ~ provides descriptions and ordering information for all provider specific educational products related to preventive services. The web page is located at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNProducts/35_PreventiveServices.asp on the CMS website. Glaucoma Screening Brochure ~ This tri-fold brochure provides health care professionals with an overview of Medicare's coverage of glaucoma screening services. To view online go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNProducts/downloads/glaucoma.pdf on the CMS website. To order copies of the brochure, go to the CMS Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Product Ordering System located at: http://cms.meridianksi.com/kc/main/kc_frame.asp?kc_ident=kc0001&loc=5 The CMS website provides information for preventive service covered by Medicare. Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov, select "Medicare", and scroll down to the "Prevention" section. For information to share with your Medicare patients, visit http://www.medicare.gov For more information about glaucoma, visit The National Eye Institute http://www.nei.nih.gov/index.asp For more information about National Glaucoma Awareness Month, please visit http://www.preventblindness.org/Thank you for helping CMS protect the vision of Medicare beneficiaries who are at higher risk for glaucoma by joining in the effort to educate beneficiaries about glaucoma, and the importance of early detection by taking advantage of the annual glaucoma screening benefit covered by Medicare. |
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