Would You Like to Join the Jurisdiction B DME MAC POE AG National Government Services, the Jurisdiction B Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) is in search of highly motivated trade professionals, practicing suppliers, or supplier billing organization representatives to join the 2009 Jurisdiction B DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group (POE AG). The purpose of the POE AG is to provide opportunities for the supplier community to: Offer advice and recommendations for selection of provider education and training topics;Propose suggestions for dissemination methods and/or locations for educational forums; andInteract directly with DME MAC Jurisdiction B staff to discuss current trends and global concerns within the industry and recommend the most appropriate educational means to address them. Candidates must be willing to commit to a one year tenure, must contribute to the educational purpose and objective for the POE AG, must attend the quarterly meetings either in-person or via teleconference, and must be a subscriber to the DME MAC Jurisdiction B Listserv. Interested candidates can find additional information regarding the POE AG by clicking on the following links: http://www.ngsmedicare.com/NGSMedicare/DMEMAC/EducationandSupport/POEAdvisoryGroupMeetings/NGSPOEAGMissionObjective.pdf http://www.ngsmedicare.com/NGSMedicare/DMEMAC/EducationandSupport/POEAdvisoryGroupMeetings/1108_POEAG_Charter_all_LOB.pdf The Jurisdiction B DME MAC POE Department encourages any and all interested parties to become a member of the POE Advisory Group. It is important to ensure our targeted educational efforts are both meaningful and helpful to the supplier community. If you would like to be considered as a member of the Jurisdiction B POE AG, please send the following information to DMETraining@Wellpoint.com by Monday, February 2, 2009. · Name· Title· Organization/Company Name· Provider/Supplier type represented· Address including city, state, zip· Telephone number including area code· Fax number including area code· E-mail Address· Provider Transaction Access Number, Specialty· A brief synopsis on why you would like to become a member of the POE AG. Membership is FREE and will be determined at the discretion of the DME MAC. |
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