Medical Policy Update: Removal of Archived LCDs and Policy Articles from the NGSMedicare.com Web Site Effective August 1, 2009Effective August 1, 2009, archived Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Policy Articles (PAs) will no longer be posted on the National Government Services Web site. Please refer to the instructions below to locate these documents on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare Coverage Database (MCD).Locating Archived Versions of Local Coverage DeterminationsSearching for LCDs by the Document ID# is the fastest way to search the MCD: Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search.asp?from2=search.asp&;Enter the Document ID # in the Search ID box. Enter the date of serviceSelect applicable contractorView LCDScroll to the bottom of the document to access the link to the PA Note: PAs will be attached to the LCD; however, the effective date for the article related to the LCD may not be the same as the LCD s effective date. If the date of service is outside the article effective date, scroll to bottom of article and select the appropriate version from that list. Alternatively, if you do not have the LCD ID#, you can search on the MCD following these steps: Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search_advanced.asp?clickon=search& (Advanced search on MCD)Click on Local Coverage, uncheck Articles, and click on the state or contractorClick on Key word, CPT or ICD and enter one of these if you have this informationClick on Date Criteria for specific effective datesView LCDScroll to the bottom of document to access the link to the PA Note: PAs will be attached to the LCD; however, the effective date for the article related to the LCD may not be the same as the LCD s effective date. If the date of service is outside the article effective date, scroll to bottom of article and select the appropriate version from that list. Locating Policy ArticlesSearching PAs by the document ID # is the fastest way to search the MCD: Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search.asp?from2=search.asp&Enter the Document ID # in the Search ID boxSelect applicable contractorView PA Note: If the date of service is outside the article effective date, scroll to bottom of article and select appropriate version from that list. If you do not have the PA ID# you can search on the MCD following these steps: Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search_advanced.asp?clickon=search& (Advanced search on MCD);Click on Articles, uncheck Local Coverage, click on the state or contractorClick on Key word, CPT or ICD and enter one of these if you have this informationClick on Date Criteria for specific effective datesView PA or coverage article Note: If the date of service is outside the article effective date, scroll to bottom of article and select the appropriate version from that list. |
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