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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month ~ In recognition of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds health care professionals that Medicare provides coverage of a comprehensive annual glaucoma screening exam for seniors and others with Medicare at high risk for developing glaucoma.
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States and while anyone can develop glaucoma, the risk of glaucoma increases with age. Early detection and treatment of glaucoma, before it causes major vision loss, is the best way to control the disease.
Medicare Coverage 
Medicare beneficiaries in one of the following high risk groups are eligible for an annual glaucoma screening covered by Medicare:
  • Individuals with diabetes mellitus;
  • Individuals with a family history of glaucoma;
  • African-Americans age 50 and older; and
  • Hispanic-Americans age 65 and older.
A covered glaucoma screening includes:
  • A dilated eye examination with an intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement; and
  • A direct ophthalmoscopy examination or a slit-lamp biomicroscopic examination.
What Can You Do?
As a health care professional who provides care to seniors and others with Medicare, you can help protect the vision of your Medicare patients who may be at high risk for glaucoma by educating them about their risk factors and reminding them of the importance of getting an annual glaucoma screening exam covered by Medicare. Your reminder and referral for a glaucoma screening exam can help provide eligible Medicare beneficiaries with peace of mind and safeguard their vision.
For More Information
        CMS has developed a variety of educational products and resources to help health care professionals and their staff learn more about coverage, coding, billing, and reimbursement for preventive services and screenings covered by Medicare.
  • The CMS website provides information for preventive service covered by Medicare. Go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov, select "Medicare", and scroll down to the "Prevention" section.
        For information to share with your Medicare patients, visit http://www.medicare.gov   
        For more information about glaucoma, visit The National Eye Institute http://www.nei.nih.gov/index.asp
        For more information about National Glaucoma Awareness Month, please visit http://www.preventblindness.org/
Thank you for helping CMS protect the vision of Medicare beneficiaries who are at higher risk for glaucoma by joining in the effort to educate beneficiaries about glaucoma, and the importance of early detection by taking advantage of the annual glaucoma screening benefit covered by Medicare.
Flu Shot Reminder
It's seasonal flu time again! If you have Medicare patients who haven't yet received their flu shot, you can help them reduce their risk of contracting the seasonal flu and potential complications by recommending an annual influenza and a one-time pneumococcal vaccination.  Medicare provides coverage of flu and pneumococcal vaccines and their administration. - And don't forget to immunize yourself and your staff. Protect yourself, your patients, and your family and friends. Get Your FluShot - Not the Flu.
Remember- Influenza vaccine plus its administration are covered Part B benefits.  Note that influenza vaccine is NOT a Part D covered drug.
Health care professionals and their staff can learn more about Medicare's coverage of the influenza vaccine and other Medicare Part B covered vaccines and related provider education resources created by CMS, by reviewing Special Edition MLN Matters article SE0838 http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/SE0838.pdf on the CMS website.
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