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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Computer Based Training (CBT) Courses Now Available

    New Computer Based Training (CBT) Courses Now Available The Jurisdiction B DME MAC strives to deliver detailed information through several resources including the Medicare University.  Now available on Medicare University are three new computer based training courses. These computer based training courses are an interactive online tutorial, which have been developed to help assist in the dissemination of supplier information. DME-C-0021 Supplier Enrollmentwill provide DMEPOS suppliers with an overview of supplier standards, accreditation, surety bonds, and enrollment requirements. DME-C-0022 Oral Antiemetic Drugs has been developed to assist suppliers in understanding the Oral Antiemetic Drugs local coverage determination and policy article. DME-C-0023 Parenteral Nutrition will assist suppliers in understanding the Parenteral Nutrition local coverage determination and policy article.. To access Medicare University click on or paste the following link into your Internet browser:  

    Once in Medicare University:Login or Create a New User AccountGo to the Course Catalog and locate the Catalog ID of the Desired Course (i.e, the Catalog ID for Supplier Enrollment is DME-C-0021)Click on the Details buttonClick on the Enroll buttonClick on the Curriculum List tab and select the Go button next to the Catalog IDClick on Launch

     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

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     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    DME MAC Jurisdiction C News

     DME MAC Jurisdiction C News
    IMPACT Your Medicare Knowledge workshop series begins January 26 in Tampa, Florida! - Learn more about this workshop series and register here!
    Please do not respond to this message. This is an unmonitored mailbox. Please use our Online Help Center to submit any comments and inquiries to CIGNA Government Services.

    CMS News from the Medicare Learning Network

    The revised Understanding the Remittance Advice (RA) for Professional Providers Web-Based Training (WBT), has been made available by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicare Learning Network (MLN). Available for Continuing Education credit, this course provides instructions to help fee-for-service Medicare providers and their billing staffs interpret the RA received from Medicare and reconcile it against submitted claims. It additionally provides guidance on how to read Electronic Remittance Advices (ERAs) and Standard Paper Remittance Advices (SPRs), as well as information for balancing an RA. This course also presents an overview of software that Medicare provides free to providers in order to view ERAs. This training can be accessed by visiting http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNgeninfo/ and scrolling to the "Related Links Inside CMS" page section. Within these links, select Web Based Training (WBT) Modules and then Understanding the Remittance Advice for Professional Providers from the list of training courses provided.
    Note:  If you have problems accessing any hyperlink in this message, please copy and paste the URL into your Internet browser. 
    If you received this message as part of the All FFS Providers listserv, you are currently subscribed to one of eighteen Medicare Fee-For-Service provider listservs.  If you would like to be removed from all NIH listservs, please go to (https://list.nih.gov/LISTSERV_WEB/signoff.htm) to unsubscribe.  If you would like to unsubscribe from a specific provider listserv, please go to (https://list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/show_list_archives) to unsubscribe or to leave the appropriate listserv. Please DO NOT respond to this email. This email is a service of CMS and routed through an electronic mail server to communicate Medicare policy and operational changes and/or updates. Responses to this email are not routed to CMS personnel. Inquiries may be sent by going to (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ContactCMS). Thank you.

    CMS and ONC Issue Regulations Proposing a Definition of "Meaningful Use" and Setting Standards for Electronic Health Record Incentive Program

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourage public comment on two regulations issued on 12/30/2009 that lay a foundation for improving quality, efficiency and safety through meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology.
    The full press release is included below for your convenience:
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                  Contact:  HHS Press Office
    Wednesday, December 30, 2009                                                                        (202) 690-6343
    CMS and ONC Issue Regulations Proposing a Definition of 'Meaningful Use' and Setting Standards for Electronic Health Record Incentive Program
    Public Encouraged to Comment on New Regulations
    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourage public comment on two regulations issued today that lay a foundation for improving quality, efficiency and safety through meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology. The regulations will help implement the EHR incentive programs enacted under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).
    A proposed rule issued by CMS outlines proposed provisions governing the EHR incentive programs, including defining the central concept of "meaningful use" of EHR technology. An interim final regulation (IFR) issued by ONC sets initial standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for EHR technology.  Both regulations are open to public comment.
    "Widespread adoption of electronic health records holds great promise for improving health care quality, efficiency, and patient safety," said, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P.  "The Recovery Act's financial incentives demonstrate Congress' and the Administration's commitment to help providers adopt and make meaningful use of EHR technology so they can give better care and their patients' experience of care will improve.  Over time, we believe the EHR incentive program under Medicare and Medicaid will accelerate and facilitate health information technology adoption by more individual providers and organizations throughout the health care system."
    "These regulations are closely linked," said Charlene Frizzera, CMS Acting Administrator.  "CMS's proposed regulation would define and specify how to demonstrate 'meaningful use' of EHR technology, which is a prerequisite for receiving the Medicare incentive payments.  Our rule also outlines the proposed payment methodologies for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs.  ONC's regulation sets forth the standards and specifications that will enhance the interoperability, functionality, utility and security of health information technology."
    CMS and ONC worked closely to develop the two rules and received input from hundreds of technical subject matters experts, health care providers, and other key stakeholders.  Numerous public meetings to solicit public comment were held by three Federal advisory committees:  the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS), the Health IT Policy Committee (HITPC), and the Health IT Standards Committee (HITSC).  HITSC presented its final recommendations to the National Coordinator in August 2009.  These recommendations, along with all other input were considered to help inform the development of the regulations announced today.
    The IFR issued by ONC describes the standards that must be met by certified EHR technology to exchange healthcare information among providers and between providers and patients. This initial set of standards begins to define a common language to ensure accurate and secure health information exchange across different EHR systems.  The IFR describes standard formats for clinical summaries and prescriptions; standard terms to describe clinical problems, procedures, laboratory tests, medications and allergies; and standards for the secure transportation of this information using the Internet.
    The IFR calls for the industry to standardize the way in which EHR information is exchanged between organizations, and sets forth criteria required for an EHR technology to be certified. These standards will support meaningful use and data exchange among providers who must use certified EHR technology to qualify for the Medicare and Medicaid incentives.
    Under the statute, HHS is required to adopt an initial set of standards for EHR technology by Dec. 31, 2009.  The IFR will go into effect 30 days after publication, with an opportunity for public comment and refinement over the next 60 days.  A final rule will be issued in 2010.  "We strongly encourage stakeholders to provide comments on these standards and specifications," Dr. Blumenthal said.
    The Recovery Act established programs to provide incentive payments to eligible professionals and eligible hospitals participating in Medicare and Medicaid that adopt and make "meaningful use" of certified EHR technology.  Incentive payments may begin as soon as October 2010 to eligible hospitals.  Incentive payments to other eligible providers may begin in January 2011.
    The proposed rule would define the term "meaningful EHR user" as an eligible professional or eligible hospital that, during the specified reporting period, demonstrates meaningful use of certified EHR technology in a form and manner consistent with certain objectives and measures presented in the regulation.  These objectives and measures would include use of certified EHR technology in a manner that improves quality, safety, and efficiency of health care delivery, reduces health care disparities, engages patients and families, improves care coordination, improves population and public health, and ensures adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information.
    The proposed rule would define meaningful use for the Medicare EHR incentive programs.  It proposes one definition that would apply to eligible professionals participating in the Medicare fee-for-service and the Medicare Advantage EHR incentive programs as well as a proposed definition that would apply to eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals.  These definitions also would serve as the minimum standard for eligible professionals and eligible hospitals participating in the Medicaid EHR incentive program.  The rule proposes that states could request CMS approval to implement additional meaningful use measures, as appropriate, but could not request approval of fewer or less rigorous meaningful use measures than required by the rule.
    This rule proposes a phased approach to implement the proposed requirements for demonstrating meaningful use.  This approach would initially establish reasonable criteria for meaningful use based on currently available technological capabilities and providers' practice experience.  CMS will establish stricter and more extensive criteria for demonstrating meaningful use over time, as anticipated developments in technology and providers' capabilities occur.
    CMS provides a 60-day comment period on the proposed rule.  "The definition and requirements for demonstrating meaningful use of EHR technology are proposals. CMS welcomes and will give serious consideration to comments that improve our proposal while achieving the goals Congress established for the EHR incentive programs," Frizzera said.
    The CMS proposed rule and fact sheets may be viewed at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Recovery/11_HealthIT.asp
    ONC's interim final rule may be viewed at http://healthit.hhs.gov/standardsandcertification. In early 2010 ONC intends to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking related to the certification of health information technology
    Additional Website resources:
    The Recovery Act Health IT Page is: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Recovery/11_HealthIT.asp.
    A copy of the ONC Regulation is available at: http://healthit.hhs.gov/standardsandcertification.
    The HHS Press Release is available at: https://www.cms.hhs.gov/apps/media/press_releases.asp.
    The CMS Fact Sheets are available at: https://www.cms.hhs.gov/apps/media/fact_sheets.asp
    Flu Season is Here!
    Annual outbreaks of the seasonal flu usually occur from late fall to early spring.  Typically, 5 to 20 percent of Americans get the seasonal flu, resulting in approximately 36,000 flu-related deaths.[1] 
    If you have Medicare patients who haven't yet received their flu shot, you can help them reduce their risk of contracting the seasonal flu by recommending an annual seasonal influenza vaccination.  Medicare provides coverage of the seasonal flu vaccine and its administration.  And don't forget to immunize yourself and your staff.  Protect yourself, your staff, your patients, and your family and friends.
    Remember - Influenza vaccine plus its administration are covered Part B benefits.  Note that influenza vaccine is NOT a Part D covered drug.
    For information about Medicare's coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNProducts/Downloads/flu_products.pdf on the CMS website.  You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
    For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to http://www.cms.hhs.gov/H1N1 on the CMS website.
    [1] Flu.gov. 2009. About the Flu [online]. Washington DC: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited 30 November 2009]. Available from the World Wide Web:
     (http://www.flu.gov/individualfamily/about/index.htm )
    Note:  If you have problems accessing any hyperlink in this message, please copy and paste the URL into your Internet browser. 
     If you would like to unsubscribe from a specific provider listserv, please go to (https://list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/show_list_archives) to unsubscribe or to leave the appropriate listserv. Please DO NOT respond to this email. This email is a service of CMS and routed through an electronic mail server to communicate Medicare policy and operational changes and/or updates. Responses to this email are not routed to CMS personnel. Inquiries may be sent by going to (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ContactCMS). Thank you.


    [1] Flu.gov. 2009. About the Flu [online]. Washington DC: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited 30 November 2009]. Available from the World Wide Web:
     (http://www.flu.gov/individualfamily/about/index.htm )


    Delay in Delivery of Jurisdiction B Electronic Remittance Advice Files
    The Jurisdiction B DME MAC is experiencing a delay in delivering their Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) files to CEDI today, December 31, 2009.  Therefore, CEDI has not been able to deliver the ERAs to our Trading Partners.
    This does not affect the receipt of inbound transactions at CEDI or the reports produced by CEDI (TA1, 997 and GENRPT).
    Jurisdiction B is working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.  Once this has been resolved, ERAs will be sent to CEDI to be returned to our Trading Partners.
    CEDI will send a follow up listserv when this issue has been resolved.
    Please contact the CEDI Help Desk at 866-311-9184 or by e-mail at ngs.cedihelpdesk@wellpoint.com if you have questions.
    Thank you,
    National Government Services, Inc.
    Corporate Communications
    If you want to update your profile or unsubscribe from any of our lists, you will first need to set up a password for your account. To do this, click on the Login link from the Listserv page on the www.NGSMedicare.com Web site, then select one of the following: 
    • Login - existing / transferred subscribers can obtain a new password and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists
    • Manage Account - change personal information such as your address or phone number
    • Join - new subscribers can create an account and subscribe to lists 
    Please do not reply to this e-mail. National Government Services' Listserv is for outgoing messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time.CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

    Attention All CEDI Trading Partners, Suppliers, Billing Services, Clearinghouses, and Vendors

    Thursday, December 31, 2009 - Correction to CEDI Outage for January 2010 Quarterly Release Implementation
    National Government Services will bring down the CEDI Gateway at 3:00 p.m. ET until no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 31, 2009.  During this downtime CEDI customers will not be able to connect and exchange transactions with CEDI.  This will allow CEDI to process all inbound files received through 3:00 p.m. ET on December 31, 2009.  Once the January 1, 2010 effective updates have been installed and verified, the CEDI Gateway will be brought back up for CEDI customers to resume exchanging transactions with CEDI.
    Please contact the CEDI Help Desk regarding any questions at ngs.cedihelpdesk@wellpoint.com or at 866-311-9184.
    Thank you,
    National Government Services, Inc.
    Corporate Communications
    If you want to update your profile or unsubscribe from any of our lists, you will first need to set up a password for your account. To do this, click on the Login link from the Listserv page on the www.NGSMedicare.com Web site, then select one of the following:
    §        Login - existing / transferred subscribers can obtain a new password and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists
    §        Manage Account - change personal information such as your address or phone number
    §        Join - new subscribers can create an account and subscribe to lists 
    Please do not reply to this e-mail. National Government Services' Listserv is for outgoing messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time.CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

    Common Electronic Data Interchange Observance of the New Year

    Common Electronic Data Interchange Observance of the New Year
    In observance of the New Year, the National Government Services office will be closed on Friday, January 1, 2010. 
    The Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) Help Desk will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2010 at 9:00 am ET for normal business hours. 
    The CEDI Gateway will be open for trading partners to exchange transactions on Friday, January 1, 2010. 
    Durable medical equipment Medicare administrative contractor (DME MAC) reports and electronic remittance advices produced with the DME MACs December 31, 2009 cycle will be delivered to the trading partner's CEDI mailbox Monday, January 4, 2010. 
    All DMEMAC Jurisdictions will observe Friday, January 1, 2010 as a holiday. 
    Claims received after 3:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 31, 2009 through 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, January 4, 2010 will be delivered to the DMEMAC Jurisdictions on Monday, January 4, 2010 with a receipt date of Monday, January 4, 2010. DMEMAC reports for these claims will be available for download on Tuesday, January 5, 2010.   
    Electronic Remittance Advices produced Monday night will be available Tuesday, January 5, 2010. 
    Please contact the CEDI Help Desk regarding any questions at ngs.cedihelpdesk@wellpoint.com or at 866-311-9184. 
    Thank you,
    National Government Services, Inc.
    Corporate Communications
    If you want to update your profile or unsubscribe from any of our lists, you will first need to set up a password for your account. To do this, click on the Login link from the Listserv page on the www.NGSMedicare.com Web site, then select one of the following: 
    • Login - existing / transferred subscribers can obtain a new password and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists
    • Manage Account - change personal information such as your address or phone number
    • Join - new subscribers can create an account and subscribe to lists 
    Please do not reply to this e-mail. National Government Services' Listserv is for outgoing messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time.CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

    Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    DME MAC Jurisdiction C News

     DME MAC Jurisdiction C News
    Sent on Behalf of the CEDI: CEDI Outage for January 2010 Quarterly Release Implementation - National Government Services will bring down the CEDI Gateway at 3:00 p.m. ET until no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 31, 2009. During this downtime CEDI customers will not be able to connect and exchange transactions with CEDI. Read more...
    Interruption in IVR and CSI/BE Availability - Please be aware that the IVR and CSI/BE systems will be unavailable this weekend, January 1 - 3, 2010, due to routine system maintenance of the DME MAC Jurisdiction C claims processing system. Both systems will be available again on Monday, January 4, 2010.http://www.cignagovernmentservices.com/jc/pubs/news/2009/1209/cope11279.html"> Read more...
    Please do not respond to this message. This is an unmonitored mailbox. Please use our Online Help Center to submit any comments and inquiries to CIGNA Government Services.

    Power Mobility Device “Lunch & Learn” Materials Now Available

    Power Mobility Device Lunch & Learn Materials Now Available The Jurisdiction B Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) Provider Outreach and Clinical Education Department conducted a free teleconference over the Power Mobility Device local coverage determination and policy article on September 30, 2009. The materials used during this teleconference including the follow-up Question and Answer document are now posted on the National Government Services Web site at:


     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

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     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    IVR system and Provider Contact Center Availability

    Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System and Provider Contact Center Availability Due to the monthly and year end system release and the upcoming holiday please note the following times when the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system (877-299-7900) and the Provider Contact Center (866-590-6727) will be available for assistance: IVR (877-299-7900) Thursday, December 31, 2009 – Available 7:00am - 4:00pmFriday, January 1, 2010 – Closed for maintenanceSaturday, January 2, 2010 – Closed for maintenanceSunday, January 3, 2010 – Closed for maintenanceMonday, January 4, 2010 – Normal hours of 7:00am – 6:00pm Provider Contact Center (866-590-6727) Thursday, December 31, 2009 – Available 8:30am – 5:30pmFriday, January 1, 2010 – Closed for holidaySaturday, January 2, 2010 – ClosedSunday, January 3, 2010 – ClosedMonday, January 4, 2010 – Normal hours of 8:30am – 5:30pm

     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    Attention All CEDI Trading Partners, Suppliers, Billing Services, Clearinghouses, and Vendors

    Common Electronic Data Interchange Observance of the New Year
    In observance of the New Year, the National Government Services office will be closed on Friday, January 1, 2010.
    The Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) Help Desk will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. ET for normal business hours.
    The CEDI Gateway will be open for trading partners to exchange transactions on Friday, January 1, 2010.
    Durable medical equipment Medicare administrative contractor (DME MAC) reports and electronic remittance advices produced with the DME MACs December 31, 2009 cycle will be delivered to the trading partner's CEDI mailbox Monday, January 4, 2010.
    All DMEMAC Jurisdictions will observe Friday, January 1, 2010 as a holiday.
    Claims received after 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 31, 2009 through 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, January 4, 2010 will be delivered to the DMEMAC Jurisdictions on Monday, January 4, 2010 with a receipt date of Monday, January 4, 2010. DMEMAC reports for these claims will be available for download on Tuesday, January 5, 2010.  
    Electronic Remittance Advices produced Monday night will be available Tuesday, January 5, 2010.
    Thank you,
    National Government Services, Inc.
    Corporate Communications
    If you want to update your profile or unsubscribe from any of our lists, you will first need to set up a password for your account. To do this, click on the Login link from the Listserv page on the www.NGSMedicare.com Web site, then select one of the following:
    §        Login - existing / transferred subscribers can obtain a new password and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists
    §        Manage Account - change personal information such as your address or phone number
    §        Join - new subscribers can create an account and subscribe to lists 
    Please do not reply to this e-mail. National Government Services' Listserv is for outgoing messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time.
     CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

    Tuesday, December 29, 2009

    Sunset of Section 630 of the MMA MLN matters article

     Sunset of Section 630 of the MMA MLN matters article (200912-32)

    Special Edition MLN Matters article 930 has just been released describing the Sunset of Section 630 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 for the Payment of Indian Health Services (IHS).  Because of the limited audience for this change, this article, as well as a revision to SE MLN Matters 0912, are not being distributed on the MLN Matters listserv but will be posted on the CMS website.  SE0912 is revised to direct providers and suppliers to SE0930. See articles below:



     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    SE0931 - Expiration of Various Payment Provisions Under the Medicare Program

     New-Special Edition MLN Matters Article #SE0931 
    Expiration of Various Payment Provisions Under the Medicare Program (200912-32A)

    This special edition article is being issued by CMS to notify affected providers that a number of Medicare payment provisions, such as the Therapy Cap Exceptions Process and Allowing Independent Laboratories to Bill for the Technical Component of Physician Pathology Services Furnished to Hospital Patients, will no longer be in effect when the provisions sunset
    as of December 31, 2009. For more information, please view the article
    located at:
    on the CMS website.

     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    CMS Processing Pharmacy DME Accreditation Determinations


    CMS will continue to process accreditation determinations for pharmacies after January 1, 2010.  The revocation process for those who do not meet the accreditation requirement will be prioritized based on any potential beneficiary access issues as well as the Agency s workload.  Pharmacies should proceed with their accreditation activities and the accrediting organization will notify the National Supplier Clearinghouse of any newly processed accreditations. 

    CMS encourages pharmacies to complete their accreditation applications as soon as possible and will notify pharmacies that furnish DME items of any changes in the accreditation requirements. 

     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    Attention All CEDI Trading Partners, Suppliers, Billing Services, Clearinghouses, and Vendors

    Thursday, December 31, 2009 - Correction to CEDI Outage for January 2010 Quarterly Release Implementation
    National Government Services will bring down the CEDI Gateway at 3:00 p.m. ET until no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, December 31, 2009.  During this downtime CEDI customers will not be able to connect and exchange transactions with CEDI.  This will allow CEDI to process all inbound files received through 3:00 p.m. ET on December 31, 2009.  Once the January 1, 2010 effective updates have been installed and verified, the CEDI Gateway will be brought back up for CEDI customers to resume exchanging transactions with CEDI.
    Please contact the CEDI Help Desk regarding any questions at ngs.cedihelpdesk@wellpoint.com or at 866-311-9184.
    Thank you,
    National Government Services, Inc.
    Corporate Communications
     If you want to update your profile or unsubscribe from any of our lists, you will first need to set up a password for your account. To do this, click on the Login link from the Listserv page on the www.NGSMedicare.com Web site, then select one of the following:
    §        Login - existing/transferred subscribers can obtain a new password and subscribe or unsubscribe from lists
    §        Manage Account - change personal information such as your address or phone number
    §        Join - new subscribers can create an account and subscribe to lists
    Please do not reply to this e-mail. National Government Services' Listserv is for outgoing messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time.CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

    NAS DME Update

    NAS DME Jurisdiction D E-mail List

    General Announcements

    Web-Based Workshops: January - March

    Join NAS DME Outreach and Education for several upcoming Web-based workshops in January, February, and March.
    DME MAC Contractors Introduce National CERT Education Initiative in Special Ask-the-Contractor Teleconference January 13, 2010

    The Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently revised and improved its calculations of Medicare fee-for-service error rates in 2009. Strengthening this process has resulted in increased audits and requests for additional documentation to support payment of supplier claims. 
    Other Topics

    Electronic Data Interchange

    CEDI Observance of New Year - Claim Submission
    CEDI Outage for January 2010 Quarterly Release Implementation Scheduled for Thursday, December 31, 2009

    Enteral Nutrition: Ensure Correct DIF is On File
    What's New
    View a complete listing of the most recent web site updates: https://www.noridianmedicare.com/dme/news/updates.html

    Supplier Contact Center and Telephone Reopening Closures
        Daily: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CT (Telephone Reopenings only)
        12/31/09 - Phones and IVR down at 5 p.m. CT
        01/01/10 in observance of the New Years Day holiday
        01/18/10 for training

    Tell NAS where, how, and what topics you want workshops on: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=HtqIIW7uv6fE52pDD9bb3w_3d_3d

    Upcoming Changes
    Medicare Partners
    CBIC: Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (Competitive Bidding): http://www.dmecompetitivebid.com/palmetto/cbic.nsf/DocsCat/Home

    CEDI: Common Electronic Data Interchange (Electronic Billing): http://www.ngscedi.com/

    CERT: Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (Claim Payment Review): http://www.certcdc.com/certproviderportal/pages/

    NSC: National Supplier Clearinghouse (Supplier Enrollment): http://www.palmettogba.com/nsc

    PDAC: Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (HCPCS Coding Assistance): https://www.dmepdac.com/

    QIC: Qualified Independent Contractor (Reconsiderations): http://www.rivertrustsolutions.com/

    RAC: Recovery Audit Contractor (Claim Processing Review): http://www.healthdatainsights.com/

    To edit your e-mail preferences or unsubscribe, go to
    To view the NoridianMedicare.com Privacy Policy, go to
    (c) Noridian Administrative Services, LLC
    901 40th Street South, Suite 1, Fargo ND 58103-2146
    Phone 1-866-243-7272
    DME MAC Jurisdiction D States: AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY, American Samoa, Guam, N. Mariana Islands

    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Palmetto GBA E-mail Update

    Please do not reply to this message. This is an announcement e-mail only.


    MCPSS Media Kit 2010

    CMS is conducting the fifth administration of the Medicare Contractor
    Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS) and will be sending random survey
    samples to Medicare fee-for-service providers and suppliers.
    Applies to:
    National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC)//General - NSC

    Palmetto GBA sent this e-mail to you because your Member Profile indicates
    that you want to receive information from us for these listserv(s):
    DMERC Region C//Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
    DMERC Region C//FAQs
    DMERC Region C//General - DMEPOS
    DMERC Region C//Home Care Equipment Supplies
    DMERC Region C//Orthotics and Prosthetics
    DMERC Region C//Oxygen
    DMERC Region C//Pharmacies
    DMERC Region C//Power Mobility
    DMERC Region C//Respiratory
    General//Statistical Analysis DME (SADMERC)
    General//Vendors Clearinghouses and Billing Services
    General//Web Site Announcements
    National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC)//General - NSC
    Jurisdiction C EDI//JCEDI
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    Please do not reply to this message. This is an announcement e-mail only.

    DME MAC Jurisdiction C News

     DME MAC Jurisdiction C News
    CMS PROCESSING PHARMACY DME ACCREDITATION DETERMINATIONS: CMS will continue to process accreditation determinations for pharmacies after January 1, 2010. The revocation process for those who do not meet the accreditation requirement will be prioritized based on any potential beneficiary access issues as well as the Agency s workload.http://www.cignagovernmentservices.com/jc/pubs/news/2009/1209/cope11261.html"> Read more...
    Please do not respond to this message. This is an unmonitored mailbox. Please use our Online Help Center to submit any comments and inquiries to CIGNA Government Services.

    January 2010 ASP File is Now Available

    January 2010 Average Sales Price (ASP) File Is Now Available- 200912-30

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted the revised January 2010 ASP pricing file and crosswalk.  All are available for download at: 

     Registration and playback for the "On Demand" Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention has been extended by popular demand to March 31, 2010.

    National Government Services has extended the availability for registration and playback of the 2009 Medicare University Virtual Convention "On Demand" courses through March 31, 2010.  For the low cost of $150, you have access to over 60 unique on-demand courses, not offered through Medicare University, at a time that is convenient for you.  Plus, you can earn as many as 57 continuing education units!

    Visit the Course page on the Medicare University 2009 Virtual Convention Web site to view a list of all the on-demand courses.  After March 31, 2010 there is no turning back, so register today at www.NGSMEDICARECONVENTION.com

    Remember! National Government Services' Jurisdiction B DME MAC List Serve is for out going messages only. Please do not respond back to messages as your response will not be answered, as this is not an authorized mode of communication at this time, Thank you!

    National Government Services encourages all Web site users to provide feedback regarding ways to improve our Web site. The ForeSee Results (pop-up) survey is an easy mechanism for providers to use to let us know how we can best serve you. Your comments play a large role in the enhancements that are made to the National Government Services Web site.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply E-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
     To unsubscribe/change profile: click here.

    Email list management powered by http://MailerMailer.com

    About this Blog

    This blog shows most if not all of the announcements sent via the various email Mailservers.